Home > Got the house!

Got the house!

December 18th, 2017 at 03:28 pm

I sign the lease on Thursday and get the keys immediate after!

Movers come Saturday morning. Internet is scheduled to be set up Tuesday, the 26th.

Right now N and I are going to be moving my boxes to the living room so that the movers have an easier time getting everything. Even though movers cost money they save on sanity and with them it's a two hour job instead of an all day job. I have a lot of boxes but not that much furniture. Two dressers, a couple of tables, a desk and a cabinet. Oh, and some book shelves.

I'll probably take my clothes and breakables over on my own Thursday and Friday.

I might ask N if I can stay at the house on Christmas so that I have access to the internet, but maybe not. I know we need boundaries but I am really dreading this Christmas alone without any distractions. He won't be home for it.

The dogs will have quite the adjustment. I don't think I can come home during lunch to let them out. I am going to give them big walks in the morning to tucker them out and then big walk before bed to...also tucker them out. Sonny loves walks and Little Bit tolerates them. N said he would let them out during the day for as long as he can but he is hopefully getting the job he interviewed for so it might not be possible. I might ask my friend's daughter to stop by to let them out. I'd pay her, of course. Even if she could only do it 2 days a week that would be helpful. Once kid is out of high school and in college I will offer him the job, paid again, of course. He's free to turn it down, though.

I am excited for the new place! I can't wait to set up my library and start new routines. And to stop bleeding money.

I am still pretty broken up with the break up, and secretly hope that once we have some physical distance we might be able to repair our relationship. I know that is a pipe dream-N really hasn't given any indication that that is in the future. We're still very friendly and don't hate each other and want to continue a friendship. I will try for as long as it doesn't hurt my mental health.

7 Responses to “Got the house!”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Congratulations on the house! I hope you find much happiness there.

  2. CB in the City Says:

    So happy you have found a nice house! I hope this is the beginning of a great new chapter in your life!

  3. Carol Says:

    I also hope for healing and happiness for you!

  4. snafu Says:

    Best wishes as you embark on a new chapter in your life. Change can be difficult but I feel confident you have the positive attitude that will cause good things to happen.

    I've just finished reading The 5 Love Languages, by Gary Chapman and mention it in hope of being helpful. After more than 25 years, it helped me to understand the sometimes bewildering things DH says and does... This pdf link is poor quality but instant. The book is likely available at your library.

  5. PatientSaver Says:

    The feelings you're having about your relationship now are perfectly natural. I've been thru the same, wanting to repair a relationship even when I was the one to break things off. Once you have that separation, you will enjoy your freedom more and realize you made the right decision. It's just that longing for a connection that you're missing, but a connection with the wrong person is not a good thing.

  6. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Congratulations! Wishing you much healing in the new home.

  7. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Glad you have a new place!

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